Kylin Weekly Community Update — Week 5: Cross-Communication

Polkadot is a unified network consisting of Layer-1 blockchains called parachains, deployed and connected to its Layer-0 infrastructure. This ensures the security and scalability of the network. As the parachains leverage the fundamental architecture of the relay chain, this gives Polkadot an advantage over other networks on instances such as transaction fees, security, etc.
Cross-chain communication fosters interoperability within the Dotsama ecosystem. It allows the transfer of messages, transactions, and so on between Parachains. Today, we’re proud to have established our first cross-chain messaging bi-channel with another parachain on the Kusama Network.
Project Update:
As announced yesterday, Pichiu, Kylin’s Canary Network, successfully established an HRMP bi-channel with Karura, the Canary Network of Acala Network. This is no small feat for us, as it is our very first, and we can confirm that we’re working on setting up HRMP channels with other parachains on the Kusama Network. This goes well to address one of the questions our Strategic Lead, Dylan Dewdney, was asked in an Interview about collaborating with other parachains in the Dotsama ecosystem.
On establishing an HRMP bi-channel with Karura, both teams worked on testing tokens transfer on the Kusama Network. The tokens of the respective Canary Networks of Acala and Kylin are $KAR and $PCHU, respectively, sent across the established messaging channels on both Parachains.
Testing is in its final stages, and in the coming days, we will officially announce our working relationship with Karura to our supportive community. Also, as previously mentioned, the dApp being developed to issue the $PCHU transfer is in the final development phase. We’ll share more details on this sometime shortly.
Building on Kusama
The development team is working full steam ahead as we continue the development of a decentralized truth machine on Polkadot’s testnet Network — Kusama. In last week’s Monthly Technical Update, we highlighted technical details of what is being worked on regarding the development of milestones as outlined by the Substrate Builders Program.
Pichiu is live on the Kusama Network; we are producing Blocks and are currently in talks with partners that will support node deployment and API services to ensure our microservices remain decentralized and guard against DNS and other forms of attacks on the network.
Polkadot Parachain Auction
We are true to our word, we promised the community our intention to apply for a Polkadot Parachain slot in Q3, 2022, and that’s what we intend to do. The development team has put together a checklist; we’re taking the necessary steps moving forward. So please keep your eyes peeled for more information on our upcoming Polkadot Parachain auction announcement.
Importance of DeData — Kylin, Fostering the DeData Economy
DeData is fascinating because it is rewriting the incentive structures on the web. At the core of it is your data, which is the new oil and blood that runs through the veins of our societies, and it is one of the most critical resources that are fueling our advance as a whole.
DeData stands for decentralized data. It is a shift into greater data democracy through decentralized data technology. DeData movement proposes a structure where you have firm control of your data, which directly challenges the advantages incumbents have long enjoyed in Web2.
In Web2, virtually every click, scroll, and like/dislike becomes a financially valuable data point, which prods them into psychologically figuring out how to manipulate users as fast as possible to generate profitable actions. DeData stands opposite to this incentive structure and aims to become a decentralized, private, and fresh way to manage data.
Again, at the heart of the new order of decentralized internet and a DeData-oriented world is the centrality of the individual’s sovereignty over the ripples they make as they live their Web3 lives. Quite fortuitously, we have all the technical tools we need at this point to make this a reality. We don’t yet have the adoption.
Kylin, Around the Web
Kylin’s Appearance in Polkadot Decoded
Our Tech Lead, Sylvain Cormier, is featured in the famous group picture (top right corner, the backdrop right stand meets his head directly) that was taken during Polkadot’s HackerHouse, New York. Sylvain also had a session during the Hacker House where he connected with other developers as he pitched Kylin and its unique selling point as a decentralized truth machine.
Team Kylin also connected with our friends at Astar Network during the Polkadot Decoded event in New York.
June Technical Update
Kylin published the maiden edition of a new initiative championed by the Project’s Tech Lead Sylvain Cormier. The June edition of Kylin Monthly Technical Update covered development progress, Pichiu onboarding to the Kusama Network, and lots more.
Polkastarter Mentions Kylin
Kylin’s June Monthly Technical update was also featured in Polkastarter’s monthly/quarterly review. In this review, they highlight some of the achievements of leading projects that carried out their Public Sale on their IDO platform.
Our friends at Crypto Winkle also mentioned and highlighted some of Kylin’s achievements in the June Edition of the Technical update. Polkadot Insider also highlighted Kylin’s Monthly Technical update as part of the top stories happening in the Polkadot ecosystem.
Pichiu Mention as a Winner
Kylin’s Canary Network, Pichiu was mentioned as one of the parachain auction winners alongside other ambitious projects between February and July 2022.
Kylin Honorable Mentions
The Week 3 Kylin community update was featured and promoted by DeFi Eagle, an independent outlet that provides the latest B2B news regarding the quality DeFi ecosystem.
Select Kylin Mentions in traders Communities
Kylin was mentioned among the top 11 undervalued projects in the Polkadot ecosystem by Marketcap/Realised Cap by one-year ratio. Kylin was also mentioned as one of the top Oracles tokens by Market Capitalization.
Kylin Mentioned as Top 6 Polkadot Projects
Kylin received an honorable mention in this YouTube video as one of the Top 6 Polkadot Projects and is well-positioned for traction.
Community Initiative
A dedicated community member that supports Kylin Network by running the Unofficial Spanish Twitter account translated June’s Technical Update to Espanyol. For the reading pleasure of the Kylin Spanish supporters, do read the update here.
Kylin’s incredible supporter, known as Bas, made an excellent and well-detailed tweet thread about Kylin Network. Do check it out here.
About Kylin Network
Kylin Network aims to build a cross-chain platform powering the data economy on Polkadot. It will be the data infrastructure for the future DeFi and Web 3.0 powered by Polkadot. Kylin Network will provide valid, reliable, secure, cost-effective, and easily-coordinated data sources and data analytics.
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