Official Address Migration
PLEASE BE AWARE: The Kylin Test Contract Address has migrated to the following: 0x67B6D479c7bB412C54e03dCA8E1Bc6740ce6b99C
RATIONALE: In order to interoperate with the LBP, we needed a more robust contract design, not covered within the previous contract address.
PLEASE NOTE: that this is only a valid contract address for Kylin Network moving forward and the previous contract address is rendered null and invalid and is revised in all materials.
Smart Contract: 0x67B6D479c7bB412C54e03dCA8E1Bc6740ce6b99C
→Audited February 28th, 2021 by the Certik Foundation with 0 critical, major, and/or minor issues. Our contract address also has Certik Shield Coverage.